90 day programme
The journey through divorce and transition affects everything in life that was previously known and experienced. The uprooting, changes in areas of life whether it was asked by your partner, or chosen by yourself, and with the changes, there are those who choose the pathway that might have been…
and ultimately an acceptance and yet still feeling the edges of heartbreak, and longing to let go of that which has been rocked by the decisions along the way, awareness of those decisions and choices:
Milestone 3 continues the healing after separation to truly blossom into your truth and best self
- Are you ready to extend your comfort zone and refine the areas of weaknesses and strengths to bring more balance during the ebb and flow of daily life, tuning into a greater awareness of what is truly important?
- Are you ready to blossom as the flowers and blooms do once the seeds have been planted, nourished and risen from their own weathered soil?
- Are you still lingering in the past and longing for some guidance through completion and forgiveness?
- Is there a place within that is still blaming and thoughts are taking up space in your mind, more than you desire?
- Have your passions for creativity or a new career dwindled through the journey with the exhaustion and overwhelm and you’d like to reignite those passions?
- Are there times you still struggling with work/life/home/relationship balance and feeling there is NOT ENOUGH TIME?
- Have you lost your community or tribe and longing for that connection of trust, intimacy, exposing the vulnerable side of yourself?
- Are you starting to shift into a place that feels like coming home, and yet you can’t figure out what’s wrong?
This is the stage of solidity and coming together of all the points along the journey where the embers of separation and divorce has reignited yourself into new passions, strength, and no more fighting with blazing emotions or past relationships.
This is the time when pruning of the old and new roots and new branches emerge into the light of self confidence, insight, inner wisdom and a pathway is clear for future visions. It is time to honour the present time, be mindful and explore further
9 realms of the natural flow of life and balancing each one so the chi (life energy) is flowing and you are able to step out of the obstruction and go AHA, thats whats happening.
This is the time to explore the natural flows, to learn to honour your body, mind, emotions, spirit and look forward to a new blank canvas that we co-create from your inner wisdom, and connection to the AWE of the universe and nature.
- a state of being where you will look around you and have a sense of awe, appreciation, peace and clarity that has come from a reconnection to what truly matters and your inner wisdom that had felt lost for so long.
- a feeling of coming home and being in alignment with your heart center, knowing your boundaries, what truly matters and what has had to be left behind on the pathway.
- the realization that your life has been rebuilt on a new foundation from new seeds that have emerged as a stronger and sentient being and that the environment where you live and work supports who you are to your fullest, and as your best self
- that your energy through holistic health and mindfulness, and the 9 realms of natural flow of life will return
- a community, or tribe that nourishes your soul that has found its defragmented parts that had long been lost through the uprooting of chaos will be an integral part of your life, and potential new relationships.
- a peaceful state where a clearer vision through a connection of nature, will continue to honour the space for you to focus and be creative and learn new possibilities that once upon a time were not even a thought.
- more balanced energy and focus while quality sleep and ability to maintain self care practices will be reflected at work or in career and reverberate in these environments.
- finding the balance and energy between your time and time with friendships, relationships, family
- the place at the heart centre will continue to connect you to the deep inner wisdom and knowledge that nature, harmony of the elements and macrocosm, and self regulation become the true pathway of your own unique gifts and ability to thrive through the ebb and flow of continual change that once you never would have believed possible as a harmonious journey
- a connection to more awe and joy
- celebrations
If you ask yourself deeply within…Is this your time to express the light and power within, the one that has grown through the cracks in sidewalks and relish in blossoms that have come from much inner work and resilience? I’d love to explore if this is for you and encourage you to reach out and have a conversation with me. No sales, just a service to be a guide to help you connect and to hone in on what would benefit you the most, and if this might be it…
Milestone 3
90 day programme
- 9 sessions x 50 minutes* in person or via phone, Skype or Zoom
- delving into 9 areas and flow in your life to come home to peace, harmony, clarity and vision
- guided worksheets ‘Coming Home through Branches to Blossoms’
- weekly email or phone support*
- opportunity to exchange 3 coaching sessions with in person Reflexology, Acupressure, Holistic Nutrition, Energy medicine appointments
I invite you to contact me and have a heart to heart conversation for any questions or information on the contact page.
Please contact me for more information, a 40 minute complimentary call, via phone/text @438-869-1215, email, Skype or through the following contact form. Thank you.
Cherie Griffiths