Are you experiencing a separation or in the aftershock of being recently separated?
Are you feeling as if your world is completely uprooted, wobbly and you are loosing your ground?
What about all those questions you are asking yourself; “Why, Why, Why?”
Do you feel as if most days are like wading through deep dark mud? How to cope?
Are the relentless distracting thoughts taking you to a place of being unfocused, scattered and less productive at work-career-home?
How are you sleeping? Are worry and over thinking keeping you awake or waking you up in the middle of the night and you can’t get back to sleep?
If I ask, where are you feeling this? You will most likely respond, in your chest-throat area or its like having butterflies in your stomach.
When the process of a relationship breakdown and separation is taking place, everything that is familiar in your world is uprooted and shaken, and if you are highly sensitive, you will feel and experience it even moreso. Its like, the ground has fallen beneath you and the effects can be an unexpected shock, especially if you thought you and your relationship was stable and grounded.
The changes taking place in the mind, body and spirit along with what I call ‘the spirograph of emotions’ affect many elements above and beyond the separation of a relationship.
This journey, called separation from a relationship is processed more easily for some, and more difficult for others. Some are are better able to cope with change, and to others…
change comes with a dreaded sense of doom.
If the last line is how you are experiencing this change from a relationship separation and
Life is uprooted…
- your stomach is churning with waves of anxiety
- your fear and worries are keeping you awake at night
- you cannot cope
- your heart is aching
- you have no appetite or the other extreme of overeating to cope
- you can’t sleep even though you feel tired and wired
- distractions are taking you away from valuable presence needed during this time
- you are finding yourself in too many directions, unfocused and have lost your ground
- and making decisions while in overwhelm is difficult and driven by heightened emotions
- fears of the known and unknown
If you are reading this far, you might find yourself sighing…
You may be at this stage and so overwhelmed…Can I ask you to take a few minutes to…
STOP AND SETTLE into a quiet space and acknowledge,
How is your body feeling? What would a bird on a tree watching you see and say?
How are you…COPING ?
This is a time to centre and ground, and breathe again, and to become directed via your inner wisdom in the best possible ways.
A separation or divorce may not be what you expected, or were prepared for, or wanted, whether the choice was your partner’s or your own. You may have your head in the sand and mud and wish the overwhelm would ‘just go away’ by hiding under a rock…but that is not a healthy place to be.
This is a time to have proper support that will guide you to calm and make decisions that root from your inner wisdom in the best possible ways. Coaching and wellbeing support helps to keep your stress levels down and to be able to cope with the overwhelm. You are you, unique and diverse, and this is YOUR TIME to receive the beneficial support, through guidance that will help you to get out of the quicksand, muddy waters and onto a pathway that honours you to be the best that you can be. Weaving coa
Sometimes well meaning friends and family are often the first line of support and listen to you warmly.
But…their opinions and advice may be well founded and well intentioned, with love. But…their experiences are their own, as are their beliefs, their values and of their own soul.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The process of divorce is more than overwhelming and brings up the roller coaster of emotions, and many of the symptoms above, especially at the beginning. The process of divorce can be for some, a long roller coaster ride…
When you are experiencing a relationship breakdown on the verge of separating or in the aftershock of being recently separated…MILESTONE 1 will assist when you are in extreme overwhelm, unable to cope, or focus at work-career-home.
Through coaching, guidance and holistic healing processes, Milestone 1 is optimum to:
- focus on your most urgent concerns
- help you prepare for a attorney’s appointment should this be a concern
- guide you towards being centered and grounded
- have calm and clarity to be able to make better decisions
- align with your best self and values
- help you set your boundaries
- visualize insights and a different perspective
- ensure you are nourishing yourself with simple meals
- offer strategies to help with your quality of sleep
- have a thought provoking and collaborative thinking partner (coach)
Emerging from the Muddy Waters is a coaching package* of 30 days, to bring calm and clarity, help you with important decision making and to lessen the impact of stress for wellbeing during this time
This is a step forward in preparation of the next point of entry along your pathway, A Journey of New Roots.
Understanding that the process of transition through separation is a series of decisions, and is also about taking steps, baby steps sometimes and through this pathway new milestones are created.
Would you like to be able to focus with clarity and calm as a first step?
This offer is for a short term of 30 days to work one on one with the most urgent concerns, and ongoing support.
is an offer for 30 day package offering:
- email support*
- 10-15 minute ‘reach out’ laser support calls via phone, text or email
- attending an attorney’s appointment with you, or court appearance (optional)
- in person natural therapy healing session (optional)
one 60 minute private coaching sessions may be replaced with an in person 75 minute healing session of Reflexology, Relaxing Massage (non RMT), Essential Oils, Body/Mind Acupressure or a combined session for deep relaxation and grounding.
4 PERSONAL SESSION X 55 MINUTES WITHIN 30 DAYS; via Zoom, phone or in Person
I welcome you to contact me for for a complimentary 40 minute session before working together, or to tailor requirements or private individual sessions once per month.
Cherie Griffiths